Popcorn und Himbeereis 1978

Comedy Romance

On the way to cash a check for her boss, Vivi run into her friend Bea who has two dates at the same time. Asked to take over one of the dates Vivi accepts, but it means a great deal of complications.

Todos los títulos
  • --: Popcorn und Himbeereis Popcorn und Himbeereis
  • DK: Popcorn og hindbæris Popcorn og hindbæris
  • FI: Disko-Love - Värinää farkuissa Disko-Love - Värinää farkuissa
  • NO: Forviklinger på sengekanten Forviklinger på sengekanten
  • PT: Pipocas & Gelado Pipocas & Gelado
  • ES: Chupa, chupa... palomitas Chupa, chupa... palomitas
  • : Popcorn and Ice Cream Popcorn and Ice Cream
Fecha de lanzamiento 05 Mar 1979
Enlace IMDb
